Executive Director, Head of Sustainability Advisory Services, APAC, Head of Advisory Services, Valuation and Advisory Services, Great China, Cushman & Wakefield;戴德梁行,执行董事,亚太区可持续咨询服务主管,大中华区估价及顾问服务部咨询服务主管
Director of Institute of Governance for Sustainable Development, Vice Chairman of University Academic Committee at Tongji University in Shanghai;同济大学可持续发展与管理研究所,所长;同济大学学术委员会,副主任
Co-founder, i2Cool Shenzhen Limited & Member of the Green Technology and Finance Development Committee of HKSAR;創冷科技有限公司,联合创始人&香港绿色科技及金融发展委员会委员,第三届粤港澳大湾区杰出青年企业家,2022年”科创中国“青年创业榜单-深圳U30
Architect; Co-founder and Partner of Crossboundaries; Chartered Member of RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects);建筑师,Crossboundaries 联合创始人/合伙人,英国皇家建筑师学会 (RIBA) 会员
Instigator and Chief Curator of Green Connections, Expert in Sustainable Design Innovation and Sensory Experience Design;跨领域可持续设计与创新研究咨询机构 Circular China(圜中环境科技)创始人及创意总监,Green Connections (绿色联界) 可持续设计领导者联盟联合发起人和总策展人
Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, Asia-based Director of the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), Global Leader of McKinsey’s Cities Special Initiative and Co-chair of the Urban China Initiative;麦肯锡公司全球资深董事合伙人,麦肯锡全球研究院院长,麦肯锡“城市中国计划”联席主席
Chief Architect of Tenio Tianjin Architecture and Engineering Co.,Ltd, Professor of Architectural Institute of Tianjin University;天友建筑设计股份有限公司总建筑师,天津大学建筑学院教授
Director of the Architecture Department of the First Design Institute, Beijing Urban Construction Design & Development Group Co. Limited;北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司,第一设计院建筑室主任
Acting Dean; Chair, Department of Architecture, Professor, Architecture And Urban Design, Executive Dean, UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design;加州大学伯克利分校环境设计学院建筑系主任,建筑与城市设计教授,执行院长
The founder of Vestibule Consulting & little-known, the executive editor-in-chief of Shanghai Articles, the guest editor-in-chief of Oui Art;思庭文化 & little-known内容平台创始人,《上海百货》执行主编,Oui Art客座主编