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Previous Attendees

The Sustainable Design China Summit has been a huge success. It allowed us think about how should we treat environmental protection and sustainability when the whole industry is still recovering. It is an inspiring platform where people specialised in different fields can share their views on sustainability.

Xiuqian Jiang
Board Member, B+H Architects

The summit was well organised and full of great content. Experts shared their insights and experience in terms of sustainability, which showcased us the latest trends in different industries and how the climate change is affecting us. We learnt a lot from the Sustainable Design China Summit, and we hope to see more events like this in the future.

Wei Lu
Design Director, White Peak

I had a great experience at the Sustainable Design China Summit. I attended one of the morning sessions and was really impressed by the high-quality speeches.

Wei Duan
General Manager, Department of Product Management, Cifi Group

We all had a great time at the Sustainable Design China Summit, it is truly a premium and influential platform in the industry. We would like thank the organiser for offering us such a wonderful experience, and we look forward to working with the Sustainable Design China Summit again.

Woods Bagot

Previous Speakers


Ross Lovegrove

Founder of Studio X

We should be living with with nature, I honest integrate the principles of nature and its intelligent form as it moves from the mechanical to the biological.


Nada Debs

Lebanese Designer

We believe in the power of craftsmanship, and through craftsmanship, we believe that this is sustainable design. When it's done in good quality, designs can stand the test of time.


Ab Rogers

Creative Director of Ab Rogers Design

The real circular economy and the circular thinking is taking stuff from the land, allowing it to return to the land. We're not trying to dominate or to conquer, but to live with and take partnership with the things from all around us.

Previous Speaker Highlights

  • Letter
    • J
  • Jae Li 李俊杰

    Jae Li 李俊杰

    Instigator and Chief Curator of Green Connections, Expert in Sustainable Design Innovation and Sensory Experience Design;跨领域可持续设计与创新研究咨询机构 Circular China(圜中环境科技)创始人及创意总监,Green Connections (绿色联界) 可持续设计领导者联盟联合发起人和总策展人
  • Jesper Jos Olsson

    Jesper Jos Olsson

    Founding Partner and Group CEO, White Peak;中瑞鼎峰集团总裁,创始合伙人
  • Jianguo Liang

    Jianguo Liang

    Chairman & Founder, Beijing Newsdays Architectural Design Co., Ltd./Beijing Newsdays Decoration & Construction Co., Ltd. ;北京Newsdays Architectural Design创始人&主席
  • Johannes Torpe

    Johannes Torpe

    Founder of Johannes Torpe Studio;Johannes Torpe Studio创始人
  • Jonathan Woetzel

    Jonathan Woetzel

    Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, Asia-based Director of the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), Global Leader of McKinsey’s Cities Special Initiative and Co-chair of the Urban China Initiative;麦肯锡公司全球资深董事合伙人,麦肯锡全球研究院院长,麦肯锡“城市中国计划”联席主席
  • June Ren 任军

    June Ren 任军

    Chief Architect of Tenio Tianjin Architecture and Engineering Co.,Ltd, Professor of Architectural Institute of Tianjin University;天友建筑设计股份有限公司总建筑师,天津大学建筑学院教授


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