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  • Jae Li 李俊杰

    Jae Li 李俊杰

    Instigator and Chief Curator of Green Connections, Expert in Sustainable Design Innovation and Sensory Experience Design;跨领域可持续设计与创新研究咨询机构 Circular China(圜中环境科技)创始人及创意总监,Green Connections (绿色联界) 可持续设计领导者联盟联合发起人和总策展人
  • Jesper Jos Olsson

    Jesper Jos Olsson

    Founding Partner and Group CEO, White Peak;中瑞鼎峰集团总裁,创始合伙人
  • Jianguo Liang

    Jianguo Liang

    Chairman & Founder, Beijing Newsdays Architectural Design Co., Ltd./Beijing Newsdays Decoration & Construction Co., Ltd. ;北京Newsdays Architectural Design创始人&主席
  • Johannes Torpe

    Johannes Torpe

    Founder of Johannes Torpe Studio;Johannes Torpe Studio创始人
  • Jonathan Woetzel

    Jonathan Woetzel

    Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, Asia-based Director of the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), Global Leader of McKinsey’s Cities Special Initiative and Co-chair of the Urban China Initiative;麦肯锡公司全球资深董事合伙人,麦肯锡全球研究院院长,麦肯锡“城市中国计划”联席主席
  • June Ren 任军

    June Ren 任军

    Chief Architect of Tenio Tianjin Architecture and Engineering Co.,Ltd, Professor of Architectural Institute of Tianjin University;天友建筑设计股份有限公司总建筑师,天津大学建筑学院教授


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