Olivier Vignes 郭而立
Chief Architect, ARCHILAND;筑土国际,首席建筑师
Mr. Olivier Vignes has over 20 years of professional experience in Europe and Asia, and has rich theoretical and practical experience in complex master planning and architecture design. He has always been environmental friendly-oriented, professional and rigorous, and has abundant experience in leading diversified multidisciplinary team to solve difficulties. As the Chief Architect of ARCHILAND, Olivier with excellent abilities in project positioning and management, as well as in planning and architecture design, keeps exploring the quality and value of projects for different clients.
Chinese Description
Olivier Vignes 先生在欧洲及亚洲有着近20年的工作经验,对于规模复杂的总体规划及建筑设计均有优异的理论与实践经验。他一直以环保为本,工作严谨,有丰富的领导多元化团队在不同领域合作的经验。作为首席建筑师,Olivier无论是在项目的定位与管理,还是在规划与建筑设计方面都有着非常优秀的能力,在众多项目中不断寻求业主的品质价值。