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Panel Discussion: Enhancing Transparency in ESG Reporting for Developments in Construction and Operation

The Economics of Climate Change

1. With the gradual improvement of various ESG disclosure frameworks and guidelines, as well as the increasingly complete regulation, what is the current ESG disclosure situation in the construction industry?

2. In the mainstream ESG disclosure frameworks and guidelines, most of the content focuses on the implementation of ESG work at the enterprise level, but due to the special characteristics of the built environment industry, the project level work can be said to be huge and difficult, how should one better disassemble the ESG objectives of the construction industry enterprises into the project work objectives?

(Appointment-based closed-door meeting, only 80 seats available)

Gary Zhao 赵戈平, General Manager, BRE China; BRE中国区,总经理
Ethan Yao 姚益, Managing Director, Design Management East China, China Resources Land;华润置地华东大区设计管理部,副总经理
Bey Jiann Ming 马剑鸣, ESG Director, GLP China;普洛斯,环境、社会和公司治理总监
Grace Liu 刘妍炯, Director, Deloitte Sustainability;德勤中国,可持续发展总监
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