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Sustainability as a Slow Business


In the continuing observation on design, YiMagazine has became conscious of,that sustainability is attracting more and more companies to participate. 
While big corporations decide to join and policy advocacy becomes a driving force, there are more individuals are getting involved in their own ways. This includes startups focus on design and materials, Typically, they are at the forefront of industry innovation and have few local models to emulate. Throughout this process, they constantly solve the challenges encountered in entrepreneurship. Rather than rushing to become big corporations, they treat sustainability as a slow business, focusing on sustainable operation.

In the annual Design Issue of YiMagazine this year,we have reported on this entrepreneurial trend. This salon will also revolve around this topic and engage in discussions with invited guests.

Panel Discussion


Yunting Zhang, Editor of Design Column at YiMagazine 


Xuesong Liu, BOTTLOOP Founder & CEO; Beijing Zero-Waste Recycling Industry Promotion Association (ZWPA), Chairwoman

Sissi Chao, Founder, RePlasTerial

Ya Guo, Smart Air Co-founder&COO

Su Liu, Product Designer &Supply Chain Director

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