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Panel Discussion: How to Create Sustainable Design Products that Engage and Connect with Consumers

Circular Design Matters

• Zero carbon transition opportunities for FMCG and retail

• Sustainable design driven by user experience

• Cradle to cradle design, creating a green supply chain

Luke Cheng 程路佳, Operations and Network Lead, China, Ellen MacArthur Foundation;艾伦・麦克阿瑟基金会,运营与伙伴关系主任
Alex Sun 孙捷, Chief Sustainability Officer, Envision Group;远景科技集团,首席可持续发展官
Xin Zhao 赵昕, Vice President, Yili Group;伊利集团,副总裁
Uta Xia 夏艳宏, Sustainable Change Management Leader, Decathlon China;迪卡侬中国,可持续发展变革负责人
Jiangxue Yu 余江雪, Leader of Sustainability Committee, MUJI;无印良品,可持续发展委员会负责人
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