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Panel Discussion: How to Balance Economic and Ecological Benefits in Zero-energy Building

On the Path to Net Zero

• What do you think of the decarbonization policies towards net zero emissions

• Applications and challenges of renewable energy and energy saving solutions

• How to maximize the use of zero-energy, low-cost, efficient new materials

Haizhu Zhou 周海珠, President, China Academy of Building Research;中国建筑科学研究院有限公司城乡规划院,院长
MK Leung 梁文杰, Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners;吕元祥建筑师事务所,环保设计总监;Behave 首席行为分析师
Dr Martin Chu 朱毅豪博士, Co-founder, i2Cool Shenzhen Limited & Member of the Green Technology and Finance Development Committee of HKSAR;創冷科技有限公司,联合创始人&香港绿色科技及金融发展委员会委员,第三届粤港澳大湾区杰出青年企业家,2022年”科创中国“青年创业榜单-深圳U30
Dr Raymond Yau 邱万鸿博士, General Manager, Technical Services and Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Limited;太古地产有限公司,技术统筹及可持续发展总经理
Hansong Sun 孙汉松, Director of Sustainability, White Peak;中瑞鼎峰地产,可持续发展总监
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